Presenting the 2nd winner of our #FREERENDER program!
During the month of June 2020, we helped the talented 3d artist Pio Gil render his political satire short film, El Planeta de Los Lelos.
RENDERFARM.RO – Hi Pio, can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Pio Gil – I studied law but the truth is that I never saw myself with a tie, a suit and the whole kit of a lawyer or judge. I started working as an advertising illustrator and I am currently the creative and art director for a local advertising agency. My great passion has been gig wall climbing.
RFRO – You are an amazing 3D artist. Please tell us how did you end up pursuing this field?
Pio – It has been a path forced by technological evolution. When I started to become a competent illustrator, it was the age of the airbrush … when computers appeared, I had to change my technique and adapt to new methods using vector programs and photoshop. From here it was only a matter of time before the 3d applications appeared and they quickly captured my interest.
RFRO – What was the inspiration for your short animation film?
Pio – On a graphic level the inspiration obviously comes from Lego Movies and an episode of the Simpsons. But more than inspiration, the short is motivated by indignation with the mediocrity and stupidity of politicians.
RFRO – Can you explain to us the message you want to convey with your film?
Pio – I have only put in the same scene two separate situations that reveal the cynicism and the “presumed” fraud to the state of which was the king of this country and the attitude of certain politicians hiding and protecting these attitudes. The bottom line is that we are being manipulated and treated like idiots!
RFRO – Can you tell us what made you choose RENDERFARM.ro for your project?
Pio – I was looking for a render farm with reasonable prices and I came across RENDEFARM.ro, it seemed competitive to me, but the best thing is that I found their call to render personal projects for free.
RFRO – What software and plugins did you use for your project and why?
Pio – Cinema 4d with physical render. I use C4d because it is the one that has been comfortable for me and I have more easily understood its structure and way of working. In this case I have not needed any plugin.
RFRO – Can you tell us a little about your 3D creation process?
Pio – The process is quite straightforward: Documentation and modelling the characters and elements of the environment.
Create the rigs and paint the bone influence weights on the mesh. The next stage was the creation of facial poses, that combined allow to represent expressions and the illusion of conversation.
The next task was to create the materials and texture the surfaces.
With all the elements already modeled, I composed the stage, simple lighting and located the cameras.
I start the animation process with the calculation of the time required for each action, then I created the key poses of the characters. Several quick previews to check if the timing is ok and make the necessary corrections.
Next, I filled in the space between keys with the intermediate poses.
New revision of the timing and complete the animation, this time with spline interpolation. Cleaning the animation curves and fine-tuning the movements was the next phase.
The hardest part was the lip sync of the voice-over, which I got from recorded public statements.
With the animation finished, the next phase was to properly illuminate the scene and do some test renderings and corrections.
RFRO – We really enjoyed working with you. Can you tell us about your experience working with us?
Pio – Well, the truth is that it was great, especially knowing that there is a person supervising the entire process and not a machine. The communication and the attention received were excellent.
RFRO – What’s next?
Pio – At the moment I am working on the cover of a historical novel about life in pre-Hispanic Mexico
RFRO – Thank you Pio for taking the time for this interview. Your message is loud and clear: Fight corruption at any level and with any tools you have at your disposal. In your case, the tools are your talent and the 3d software.
Looking forward to see your next project 😊
#cinema4D #motiongraphics #freerender #givingback